Our Mission


The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists® promotes excellence in veterinary ophthalmology through advanced training, certification, research and education.

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Veterinary Specialists

You may be wondering, when or why might your pet may need a veterinary ophthalmologist? Learn how boarded specialists can work with your general veterinarian to help your pet.


2025 Event Info

More information regarding the 2025 Event will be posted to the ACVOEyeExam.org website and on our social media platforms. Participating cities from the 2024 event have been updated on the website.

We are grateful to our members and sponsor (Epicur Pharma) for donating their time and resources.
Please note locations and/or appointments may be limited in your area.

Registrations will be open April 1st - 30th only, with the event occurring throughout the month of May.

More information can be found on the ACVOEyeExam.org website.

The ACVO and its diplomates are proud to donate complimentary, screening eye exams to Service and Working Animals every year with the ACVO®/Epicur Service Animal Volunteer Eye Screening. Annually, registration takes place the month of April and the exams take place the month of May. In thirteen years our ophthalmologists have donated over 86,000 exams!

Thanks to Epicur Pharma for their amazing sponsor support for this program, and the incredible sponsor support of many more groups and non-profits each year.



In 2008, Dr. Bill Miller, the founder of the program, recognized the good that was being done by so many our specialists already donating exams and decided to create a national platform to help expand individual efforts...and this national event was born.


Animals eyes examined

To date, ACVO Diplomate members have examined more than 86,000 Service and Working animals' eyes.



On average, over 300 specialists volunteer their time, staff and financial resources to the program annually.

Check out the ACVO's animal eye care blog to learn more about common diseases, treatments, and innovations. Learn tips and tricks to keep your pet's peepers in tip top shape!

Tips, Treatments,  & Tricks


Members in the News

DVM Resources

Review our on-demand educational resources, find ophthalmology CE for general practitioners, and local referrals.

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ACVO’s Companion Animal Eye Registry (CAER) Examinations, through OFA

The ACVO CAER canine eye screening examinations aim to collect, evaluate, and provide information to breeders about canine eye diseases. This information helps breeders make informed breeding decisions which should result in healthier dogs. Only board-certified veterinary ophthalmologists (ACVO Diplomates), credentialed through the American Board of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ABVO), are authorized to provide ACVO CAER screening exams to breeders.

The ACVO collaborates with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) to administer the examination program. Together with the ACVO Genetics Committee, they publish annual breeding recommendations in the 'ACVO Blue Book'.

Use the 'Help My Pet's Eyes' link above to locate a participating doctor.

ACVO and OFA have agreed that a portion of the proceeds from all ACVO CAER eye registrations will be donated to the ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation to support research leading to the elimination of ocular diseases causing vision loss and suffering in animals. Funding has been provided to the VAF annually since 2013, amounting to more than $350,000 in donations as of the end of 2024.

Breeders should refer directly to the OFA website for questions.

Common Conditions

Ever wonder which eye conditions an ophthalmologist is best trained to recognize and treat? Does something look 'different' about your pet's eyes and you're trying to figure out what's happening? Boarded veterinarians have provided this 'Common Conditions' resource to guide you in your research in over a dozen common problems in pets. You may also find help in our  Tips, Tricks & Treatments blog.



The ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation

The ACVO VAF was founded by ACVO Diplomate members with a mission to improve the quality of life of animals by preserving and restoring their vision through education and science. This is now a separate charitable organization, tax deductible donations may be made to the organization to further research and education.