Meet the 2023 New ACVO Diplomates!


ABVO is happy to congratulate the following new ACVO Diplomates from the 2023 ABVO Exam! 

Listed below are the 23 candidates who have passed all three sections of the 2023 ABVO Examination and were granted ACVO diplomate status in August 2023. They are now officially, 'ophthalmologists', 'specialists', and 'DACVO's' and may use the following ACVO trademarks; 'DACVO' and/or 'Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists' as their credentials. New Diplomates will receive a complimentary membership to the ACVO for the remainder of 2023.

Be sure to read their biographies and thank you notes in the digital ACVO Membership Meeting agenda packet, or on the Members Only page of the website!

Reminder: The ACVO AMVM and ABVO Meetings will be a little different this year. The New Diplomate Induction will take place at the beginning of the ACVO AMVM in Boston, MA on Friday, September 22nd, 4:00pm to 5:00pm in Grand A, with a celebration for the newest ACVO Diplomates immediately following the AMVM in Grand B 5:00pm - 5:30pm.

The ABVO Meeting will take place separately, the next day, on Saturday, September 23rd, 7:00am - 8:00am in the Statler meeting room, and will be a working breakfast (with breakfast starting to be served at 6:45am). 

Dr. Anna Catherine Bowden
Dr. Pilar Camacho-Luna
Dr. Lauren Charnock
Dr. Megan Cullen
Dr. Crystal Eng
Dr. Hannah Flanders
Dr. Mihal Kaminsky
Dr. Soohyun Kim
Dr. Irini Lamkin
Dr. Jamie Lembo
Dr. Maggie Li Puma
Dr. Anthony Lisankis
Dr. Andrea Minella
Dr. Christian Munevar
Dr. Katelin Quantz
Dr. Roxanne Ratner
Dr. Simone Schechtmann
Dr. Lindsay Seyer
Dr. Staci Spears
Dr. Corbin Telford
Dr. Elodie VerHulst
Dr. Savanna Vig
Dr. Parker Wilcox

Congratulations, new Diplomates!!

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