Veterinary Ophthalmology Introduces & Welcomes New Editor-in-Chief

Veterinary Ophthalmology Introduces and Welcomes a New Editor-in-Chief
By: Dr. András M. Komáromy

Veterinary Ophthalmology came into existence when I was a graduate student and then resident in comparative ophthalmology at the University of Florida. I remember observing my dear mentor Dr. Kirk Gelatt, founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, carrying around numerous large yellow envelopes with submitted manuscripts to be processed and distributed to reviewers. Despite the routine use of computers at that time, manuscripts still had to be submitted and processed on paper. This was 24 years ago, and my own clinical and research career since then has been closely connected to Veterinary Ophthalmology…”

Read the full letter from the new VO Journal, Editor-in-Chief, Dr. András M. Komáromy.

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