Registration Now Open For 2022 ACVO/Epicur National Service Animal Eye Exam Event


The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO®) is proud to announce that registration for the limited 2022 ACVO/Epicur National Service Animal Eye Exam event is now open! Service and Working Animal owners and handlers across the U.S., Canada, Hong Kong, Puerto Rico, and Spain can register their animal to receive a free screening eye exam from one of 200 veterinary ophthalmologists participating in the program through April 30, 2022. Check to see if your Service or Working Animal qualifies and register today!

As a reminder, the event this year is running on a limited basis, so appointments and locations may be limited in your area. Registration of the event does not guarantee qualifications, nor an appointment.

We want to extend a very special thank you to Epicur Pharma® for generously being the name-sake sponsor of this event. Epicur Pharma® works in partnership with our ophthalmologists and sponsorship team year after year to help provide our Service and Working Animal friends with sight-saving screenings.

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